Dengerin album debut Spencer. - 'Are U Down?' dibawah:
Berikut artwork dan tracklist 'Are U Down?':
1. byyyte
2. Lonely As I Ever Was
3. U Around?
4. MyLuv
5. After the Show
6. Luvs Me Not
7. RocStar
8. staywmecassette
Dengerin album debut Spencer. - 'Are U Down?' dibawah:
Berikut artwork dan tracklist 'Are U Down?':
1. byyyte
2. Lonely As I Ever Was
3. U Around?
4. MyLuv
5. After the Show
6. Luvs Me Not
7. RocStar
8. staywmecassette
Halaman Selanjutnya
9. No DirectionEditor : Hai
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