HAI-ONLINE.COM - Ketika lo menganggap "ketika tangan tak mampu berjabat" adalah ucapan idul fitri yang basi, saatnya cari caption baru buat postingan.Nah, HAI punya 7 rekomendasi lagu dengan lirik keren yang cocok buat caption postingan idul fitri alias lebaran.Ada yang temanya soal maaf-maafan, ada juga yang tentang terlahir kembali.
Bisa buat postingan di medsos sendiri, atau buat ngucapin ke temen.
Buat kartu ucapan di hampers juga boleh kok.Mau tau apa aja? Cek deh nih!
Baca Juga: Viral, Video Sejumlah Remaja Sempet-sempetnya Balap Liar Di tengah Pandemi dan Jam Kantoran
Lirik lagu Liam Gallagher - For What It's WorthThe first bird to fly gets all the arrowsLet's leave the past behind with all our sorrowsI'll build a bridge between us and I'll swallow my prideFor what it's worth, I'm sorry for the hurtI'll be the first to say, "I made my own mistakes"For what it's worth, I know it's just a word and words betrayBut sometimes we lose our wayFor what it's worth
Lirik lagu Kanye West - Brothers
Riders konser Kanye West
Lirik lagu Tame Impala - Posthumous Forgiveness
Tame Impala
Lirik lagu Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly NowAll of the bad feelings have disappearedHere is that rainbow I've been praying forIt's gonna be a bright (bright)Bright (bright) sunshiny dayLook all around, there's nothing but blue skiesLook straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies
Lirik lagu Metallica - Unforgiven IIIHow can I be lostIf I've got nowhere to go?Search for seas of goldHow come it's got so cold?How can I be lostIn remembrance I reliveAnd how can I blame youWhen it's me I can't forgive?Forgive meForgive me notLirik lagu George Harrison - Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)