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Sambut Record Store Day, Ini Foto 7 Kolektor Musik yang Punya Koleksi Vinyl Segunung

Alvin Bahar - Jumat, 12 April 2019 | 10:00
Andy Carthy (Mr. Scruff) - Manchester, UK“The soul 12-inch section of my collection doubles as a han
Eilon Paz for Dust & Grooves

Andy Carthy (Mr. Scruff) - Manchester, UK“The soul 12-inch section of my collection doubles as a han

HAI-ONLINE.COM - Mengoleksi sesuatu memang menyenangkan. Seringnya tanpa disadari, barang yang kita koleksi sudah menggunung. Seperti vinyl, contohnya. Fotografer Eilon Paz memotret sejumlah orang yang dikenal memiliki koleksi vinyl bejibun dalam blognya, Dust and Grooves. Lihat foto-fotonya di bawah ini:

1. Philip Osei Kojo, pria berusia 80 tahun yang tinggal di Kenya ini punya ribuan vinyl, yang nggak bisa ia putar karena turntable miliknya rusak. Wajah Philip terlihat sangat bahagia ketika ia bisa mendengar lagu-lagu dari koleksinya.

Philip Osey Kojo - Mampong, GhanaIn January 2011 I traveled to Ghana to document a diging trip with Frank Gossner of Voodoo Funk. We met Philip Osei Kojo, an 80 year old man from Mampong who offered us to come to his house and take a look at his records which he did not listen to for the past 30 years just because he could not fix his record player. The first time we palyed the record was an unexpected emotional surprise, for him and for us.

Philip Osey Kojo - Mampong, GhanaIn January 2011 I traveled to Ghana to document a diging trip with Frank Gossner of Voodoo Funk. We met Philip Osei Kojo, an 80 year old man from Mampong who offered us to come to his house and take a look at his records which he did not listen to for the past 30 years just because he could not fix his record player. The first time we palyed the record was an unexpected emotional surprise, for him and for us.

2. Alessandro Benedetti dari Italia memegang Guinness World Record untuk pemiliki vinyl berwarna terbanyak.

Alessandro Benedetti - Monsummano Terme, ItalyAlessandro holds the Guinness World Record for largest collection of colored vinyl records. Pictured here at home with his father Marinello, Alessandro is holding a mirrored vinyl copy of Ozzy Osbourne’s Bark at the Moon. Above the duo are trophies that Alessandro won playing Subbuteo, a miniature football game.

Alessandro Benedetti - Monsummano Terme, ItalyAlessandro holds the Guinness World Record for largest collection of colored vinyl records. Pictured here at home with his father Marinello, Alessandro is holding a mirrored vinyl copy of Ozzy Osbourne’s Bark at the Moon. Above the duo are trophies that Alessandro won playing Subbuteo, a miniature football game.

3. Andy Carthy, yang juga dikenal dengan moniker Mr. Scruff, dari Manchester.

Andy Carthy (Mr. Scruff) - Manchester, UK“The soul 12-inch section of my collection doubles as a handy chair.”

Andy Carthy (Mr. Scruff) - Manchester, UK“The soul 12-inch section of my collection doubles as a handy chair.”

4. Miriam Lina dan Billy Miller, Norton Records.

Miriam Lina & Billy Miller - Norton Records.Brooklyn, NY

Miriam Lina & Billy Miller - Norton Records.Brooklyn, NY

5. Oliver Wang, kolektor vinyl, penulis, dan jurnalis musik dari Los Angeles.

Oliver Wang, a vinyl record collector, writer and music journalist from Los Angeles, CA photographed with his vinyl collection at his home for Dust & Grooves. © Copyright - Eilon Paz -

Oliver Wang, a vinyl record collector, writer and music journalist from Los Angeles, CA photographed with his vinyl collection at his home for Dust & Grooves. © Copyright - Eilon Paz -

Editor : Hai

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