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Foto-foto 7 Kolektor Musik yang Punya Koleksi Vinyl Segunung

Alvin Bahar - Senin, 16 Juli 2018 | 12:29
Andy Carthy (Mr. Scruff) - Manchester, UK“The soul 12-inch section of my collection doubles as a han
Eilon Paz for Dust & Grooves

Andy Carthy (Mr. Scruff) - Manchester, UK“The soul 12-inch section of my collection doubles as a han

6. Keb Darge, dalam persiapan pindah permanen dari London ke Filipina.

Keb Darge - London, UKIn the midst of packing for a permanent move to the Philippines, Keb stops to

Keb Darge - London, UKIn the midst of packing for a permanent move to the Philippines, Keb stops to

7. DJ Shame di rumahnya, Worcester.

DJ Shame at his home in Worcester, MA ; Taken for Dust & Grooves, a vinyl photo site. (C) All Rights Reserved to Eilon Paz & Dust & Grooves.

DJ Shame at his home in Worcester, MA ; Taken for Dust & Grooves, a vinyl photo site. (C) All Rights Reserved to Eilon Paz & Dust & Grooves.

Editor : Hai

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