Secara biologis, penderita intoleran susu tidak mampu mencerna laktosa dari makanan atau minuman dalam susu sehingga terjadi penimbunan laktosa dalam usus. Penderita yang demikian dapat meminum susu bubuk dengan kadar laktosa rendah atau air susu fermentasi, seperti yoghurt, kefir, dan koumis.
Berdasarkan bacaan di atas, bila seorang temanmu, Ari, mengeluh bahwa ia sebenarnya ingin minum susu seperti teman lainnya, tetapi selalu diare ketika minum susu. Apa yang akan kamu sarankan?
a. Ari dapat mencoba minum susu dengan menambah sari jeruk.
b. Ari dapat mencoba susu bubuk seperti susu yang di minum oleh balita.
c. Ari dapat mencoba minum yoghurt.
d. Ari tidak perlu minum susu sama sekali.
e. Ari dapat mencoba minum susu secara bertahap.
- Literasi Bahasa Inggris
You may ask, "How is this important to children?" Every year measles kills twice as many Americans as polio does. More children die from measles than from any other common childhood disease. Also complications of some degree occur in about one child out of six. Most complication include pneumonia and ear disorders.
Another after-effect of measles-brain damage is less common, but it can have such serious consequence that it deserves special attention. Brain damage due to measles sounds like something far away from our experience. In reality, it is not. Like other injury, damage to the brain can be very slight or very severe.
It is quite possible that we have never seen or heard a child who has severe brain damage - the child would either have died or would be in an institution. However, in medical research a relation has been found between measles and such things as behavior problems, personality changes and dulling of metal ability. For example, a child may be bad-tempered or a little slow to learn after he has recovered from measles.
One of the important findings of the research on measles is that...