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Spin-off Toy Story, Lightyear Jadi Awal Kisah Seorang Buzz Lightyear

Tanya Audriatika - Kamis, 21 April 2022 | 10:05
MYSTERIOUS PRESENCE – In Disney and Pixar’s “Lightyear,” Buzz (voice of Chris Evans) finds himself up against the imposing captain of an alien spaceship that shows up at the hostile planet Buzz has called home for years. Voiced by James Brolin, Zurg has an army of ruthless robots and a mysterious mi

MYSTERIOUS PRESENCE – In Disney and Pixar’s “Lightyear,” Buzz (voice of Chris Evans) finds himself up against the imposing captain of an alien spaceship that shows up at the hostile planet Buzz has called home for years. Voiced by James Brolin, Zurg has an army of ruthless robots and a mysterious mi

Inilah hal yang ingin Angus bangun di Lightyear. Bagaimana nostalgia sambil melompat cepat ke masa depan.

"Jadi kami menggambarkannya dimana si Buzz bakal bepergian dengan cepat melintasi waktu, dan semua itu karena pekerjaannya. Dan karena itu, akibatnya, dia memisahkan dirinya dari semua orang yang dicintainya," pungkas Angus.(*)

Editor : Hai

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