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7 Items yang Ngebuktiin Orange Bakal Jadi Tren Fashion 2017

Alvin Bahar - Rabu, 22 Februari 2017 | 05:30
Justin Bieber Purpose Tour
Alvin Bahar

Justin Bieber Purpose Tour

Pink was the vibe in 2015, and now orange is the new black. Yap, mau itu bright, neon, atau hi-vis orange, oranye adalah tren fashion 2017, setelah mulai banyak yang pake pada 2016 silam.

Terbukti, makin banyak brand streetwear yang rilis barang bernuansa oranye. Nah, berikut ini HAI mau ngasih liat fashion items-nya. Sikat!

1. Vetements Orange Oversized Logo Sleeve Pullover

Vetements Orange Oversized Logo Sleeve Pullover
2. VLONE X off-white

VLONE X off white
3. Supreme x North Face

Supreme x The North Face
4. Justin Bieber Purpose Tour Merch

Justin Bieber Purpose Tour
5. The Life Of Pablo Merch

The Life Of Pablo Merch
6. Gosha Rubchinskiy 'Arctic' Sweatshirt

Gosha Rubchinskiy 'Arctic' Sweatshirt
7. Yeezy V2 350

Yeezy V2 350

Editor : Hai

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