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Mark Hoppus Jadi Host Pemutaran Film "Filmage: The Story of Descendents/ALL"

Adhie Sathya - Kamis, 19 September 2013 | 11:02
Mark Hoppus Jadi Host Pemutaran Film Filmage The Story of Descendents ALL
Adhie Sathya

Mark Hoppus Jadi Host Pemutaran Film Filmage The Story of Descendents ALL

Mark Hoppus akan jadi host di beberapa pemutaran "Filmage: The Story of Descendents/ALL" di Digiplex Mission Valley 7 teater, San Diego. Pemutaran, bersama dengan Q & A, Sabtu ini (21/9).

"But in the end, we felt the best way to be a part of the film, was to host our own special screening of FILMAGE here in San Diego with our friends Vannen Watches," tulis Mark di website

Di pemutaran film tersebut, Mark juga merilis HMNIM x DESCENDENTS t-shirt dan arloji limited edition VANNEN + DESCENDENTS "Coffee Time".

Editor : Hai


Hai Play

