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Shawn "Slipknot" Rilis Topeng Baru

Adhie Sathya - Kamis, 26 September 2013 | 10:29
Shawn Slipknot Rilis Topeng Baru
Adhie Sathya

Shawn Slipknot Rilis Topeng Baru

Perkusionis Slipknot, Shawn 'Clown' Crahan merayakan ulang tahun ke-44 Selasa kemarin (24/9). Crahan memutuskan mulai tahun ini, dia akan merilis satu topeng baru setiap hari kelahirannya.

"I just put them up today. I'm going to put masks out every year with a new story. Clown001 is starting it all off. In the near future you will receive the story behind clown001," tulisnya di website resmi Slipknot.

Clown Mask 001 juga dijual seharga $ 500, dengan total 50 topeng yang dirilis. Kalau kamu minat beli, cek di sini. Lumayan, buat Halloween.

Editor : Hai


Hai Play

