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Paramore, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato Berjaya di Radio Disney Music Awards 2014

iamalvin - Senin, 28 April 2014 | 12:06
Paramore Selena Gomez Demi Lovato Berjaya di Radio Disney Music Awards 2014

Paramore Selena Gomez Demi Lovato Berjaya di Radio Disney Music Awards 2014

Radio Disney Music Awards 2014 digelar Sabtu (26/4) di Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles. Pemenang penghargaan tersebut di antaranya Paramore (Best Crush Song), Demi Lovato (Best Female Artist), One Direction (Best Music Group), Justin Timberlake (Best Male Artist), Ed Sheeran (Best Musical Collaboration) and Fifth Harmony (Breakout Artist of the Year).

Cek lengkapnya di bawah ini.

They're The One - Best Music GroupOne DirectionHe's The One - Best Male ArtistJustin TimberlakeShe's The One - Best Female ArtistDemi LovatoThe Bestest - Song Of The Year"Come & Get It" - Selena GomezXOXO - Best Crush Song"Still Into You" - ParamoreSo FANtastic - Fiercest FansSwifties - Taylor SwiftThe Buzz - Breakout Artist of the YearFifth HarmonyThe Freshest - Best New ArtistBecky GMusical Mashup - Best Musical Collaboration"Everything Has Changed" - Taylor Swift feat. Ed SheeranSo Happy - Best Song That Makes You Smile (Sponsored by ARM & HAMMER Tooth Tunes)"Ooh La La" - Britney Spears#Cool - Radio Disney's Most Talked About ArtistSelena GomezStuck In Our Heads - Catchiest New Song"The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)" - YlvisThat's My Jam - Best Song To Rock Out To With Your BFF"Me & My Girls" - Fifth HarmonySoundtraxx - Favorite Song From a Movie Or TV Show"Let It Go" - Idina Menzel ("Frozen")Move! - Best Song To Dance To"Birthday" - Selena GomezHit The Road - Favorite Roadtrip Song (Sponsored by GEICO)"Made In The USA" - Demi LovatoYou've Got Swag! - Artist With The Best Style (Sponsored by Justice)Zendaya

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