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Ucapan Tahun Baru Layak Dicontek Nih!

Adhie Sathya - Rabu, 31 Desember 2014 | 05:26
Ucapan Tahun Baru Layak Dicontek Nih
Adhie Sathya

Ucapan Tahun Baru Layak Dicontek Nih

Tahun Baru tinggal hitungan jam, sudah siap dengan ucapan-ucapan bijak nan kocak untuk dikirim ke berbagai jejaring sosial kamu? Bingung mau yang kayak gimana? Hai udah nyiapin nih, beberapa ucapan yang bisa dijadiin referensi kita untuk dikirim malam ini. Sila dicontek, Gan!


We ?re in the last m?nth of the ?ear.... Just felt ? should thank ?veryone who made ?e smile this ?ear. Y?u are one ?f them so ?ere's a big ?hanks You.

?f you are n?t happy being single y?u will never ?e happy in ? relationship. Get y?ur own life ?nd love ?t first, ?hen share it.

T?m Cruise, ?ngelina Jolie, ?ishwarya Rai, ?rnold, Jennifer L?pez ?mitabh ?achhan and ?e.. ?ll the Stars wish y?u a Very ?appy New Year in advance.

?efore the calendar ?urns a ?ew leaf ?ver, ?efore the social ?etworking sites get flooded ?ith messages, ?efore the mobile ?etworks get c?ngested, let ?e take ? quiet moment ?ut to wish y?u a wonderful ?appy, healthy ?nd prosperous New ?ear.

Dear Friend:In The Past Year 2015 I May Have Disturbed You,Irritated You, And Annoyed You;I Just Want To Tell You That I Plan To Continue!Funny Happy New Year 2015!

If I had done you wrong, I am sorry.May you still give me a chance this New Year to do it over and over again.Happy New Year!

May this New Year bring you more problems, more tears, and more pains.Don't get me wrong. I just want you to be a stronger person.

My New Year's Resolution:Greet all those people who made me crazy this year!You are one of them.

This year,Less complaining, more blessingsLess keeping, more sharingHave a meaningful and blessed New Year ahead!Don't get me wrong, you just made my life worth living.Happy New Year!

Editor : Hai


