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Mark Hoppus Angkat Suara Soal Mundurnya Jadwal Tur Blink 182

- Selasa, 19 April 2011 | 16:43
Mark Hoppus Angkat Suara Soal Mundurnya Jadwal Tur Blink 182
Hai Online

Mark Hoppus Angkat Suara Soal Mundurnya Jadwal Tur Blink 182

Blink 182 yang mendadak mengeluarkan pernyataan mengenai pengunduran jadwal tur eropa pada musim panas mendatang nampaknya memang mendapat banyak tekanan dari para penggemar mereka di sana. Demi berkonsentrasi pada pengerjaan album terbaru mereka, Tom DeLonge cs akhirnya harus merelakan tur eropa mereka diundur selama satu tahun mendatang alias di musim panas/ pertengahan tahun 2012. Nggak lama kemudian, akhirnya sang bassis merangkap vokalis, Mark Hoppus merilis sebuah penyataan penyesalannya mengenai hal tersebut.

Dalam pernyataannya, Hoppus mengungkapkan jika dirinya merasa kecewa terhadap keputusan pengunduran jadwal tur tersebut dan menjadi sebuah hal berat bagi dirinya. Sang bassis juga mengungkapkan jika Blink 182 ingin menyuguhkan sesuatu yang baru dari panggungnya terutama dengan materi baru,

Berikut adalah pernyataan resmi dari Mark Hoppus :

"Hi. Mark here. I have been reading all of your comments, both here and on my twitter, and to those of you who're frustrated, angry, let down, and incredulous, I feel you. I feel the same way. I've had a while to process everything and I'm still bummed. This was not an easy decision for us at all. One of the hardest things we've had to do. Ever. It sucks. The point is we didn't want to rush and put out an inferior record. We also didn't want to become a band who relies on their past success and just plays the same songs every tour, even though we'll always play the older stuff as well. blink-182 NEEDS to make new music. For you, and for us. I did a long interview with Kerrang! about the postponement of the tour, and hopefully that helps explain everything a little better. I think it comes out on Wednesday. To those who've tried to be supportive and understanding, I thank you. For real. This needs to be the best album we've ever recorded, and we're working hard towards that goal. blink-182 for life."

Editor : Hai


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