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The Twilight Saga's Eclipse Boyong 5 Piala MTV Movie Awards

Rian Sidik (old) - Senin, 06 Juni 2011 | 06:51
The Twilight Saga s Eclipse Boyong 5 Piala MTV Movie Awards
Rian Sidik (old)

The Twilight Saga s Eclipse Boyong 5 Piala MTV Movie Awards

MTV Movie Awards yang dihelat hari Minggu (5/6) lalu adalah hari terbaik bagi Robert Pattinson cs. Apalagi kalau bukan karena drama vampire. Yap film ketiganya, The Twilight Saga's Eclipse berhasil membawa pulang 5 piala MTV Movie Awards. Kegembiraan tentunya juga dirasakan oleh, David Slade, sang sutradara. Selain Best Female dan Male Performance, yang paling ciamik adalah penghargaan Best Kiss yang diperoleh Kristen Stewart dan Robert Pattinson. Di belakangnya, terdapat Kick-Ass yang memboyong dua piala, yakni Biggest Badass Star dan Best Breakout Star yang diperoleh Chloe Moretz.

Berikut dafatr pemenang lengkapnya.

* Best Movie: "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse" * Best Female Performance: Kristen Stewart - "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse" * Best Male Performance: Robert Pattinson - "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse" * Best Breakout Star: Chloe Moretz - "Kick-Ass" * Best Comedic Performance: Emma Stone - "Easy A" * Best Line From A Movie: Alexys Nycole Sanchez - "Grown Ups": "I want to get chocolate wasted." * Best Villain: Tom Felton - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I" * Best Fight: Robert Pattinson vs. Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel - "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse" * Best Kiss: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson - "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse" * Best Jaw-Dropping Moment: Justin Bieber - "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never", Performance Spectacular * Best Scared-As-Sh-- Performance: Ellen Page - "Inception" * Biggest Badass Star: Chloe Moretz - "Kick-Ass"

Editor : Hai


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