Situs Remaja Cowok

5 Judul Lagu Terpanjang yang Mungkin Belum Pernah Kamu Dengar, Duh!

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018 | 10:00
Grid Networks Fairport Convention
Donald Silverstein

Fairport Convention

HAI-ONLINE.COM - Pada umumnya, judul-judul lagu populer di industri musik dunia ini berisikan hanya satu kata, atau mungkin dua sampai tiga kata. Maksimal, satu kalimat yang berisikan 5 hingga 6 kata.

Namun, apakah kamu percaya kalau ada lagu-lagu di dunia ini yang memiliki judul lebih dari 1 kalimat dan bahkan puluhan kata di dalamnya?

CEK JUGA: Ini Dia, Judul-judul Lagu Indonesia Terpanjang, Ada yang Sampai 43 Kata!

Jangan kaget, ternyata ada banyak, lho, lagu-lagu yang memiliki judul yang sangat panjang, dan mungkin dinyanyikan oleh musisi yang nggak familiar di kuping kita.

Siapa saja mereka? Yuk kita lihat informasinya di bawah ini:

1. Regretting What I Said to You When You Called Me 11:00 On a Friday Morning to Tell Me that at 1:00 Friday Afternoon You’re Gonna Leave Your Office, Go Downstairs, Hail a Cab to Go Out to the Airport to Catch a Plane to Go Skiing in the Alps for Two Weeks, Not that I Wanted to Go With You, I Wasn’t Able to Leave Town, I’m Not a Very Good Skier, I Couldn’t Expect You to Pay My Way, But After Going Out With You for Three Years I Don’t Like Surprises” dari Christine Lavin

2. Long Live British Democracy Which Flourishes and Is Constantly Perfected Under the Immaculate Guidance of the Great, Honourable, Generous and Correct Margaret Hilda Thatcher. She Is the Blue Sky in the Hearts of All Nations. Our People Pay Homage and Bow in Deep Respect and Gratitude to Her. The Milk of Human Kindness.” dari Test Dept

3. The Sad But True Story Of Ray Mingus, The Lumberjack Of Bulk Rock City, And His Never Slacking Stribe In Exploiting The So Far Undiscovered Areas Of The Intention To Bodily Intercourse From The Opposite Species Of His Kind, During Intake Of All The Mental Condition That Could Be Derived From Fermentation” dari Rednex

4. “Someday, in the Event That Mankind Actually Figures Out What it is That This World Revolves Around, Thousands of People are Going to Be Shocked and Perplexed to Find Out it Was Not Them. Sometimes, This Includes Me” dari Chariot

5. Sir B. McKenzie’s Daughter’s Lament for the 77th Mounted Lancers Retreat from the Straits of Loch Knombe, in the Year of Our Lord 1727, on the Occasion of the Announcement of Her Marriage to the Laird of Kinleakie” dari Fairport Convention


Editor : Fadli Adzani