Lo Anak Punk yang Lagi Galau? Dengerin 5 Lagu Tersedih dari blink-182 Ini!

Jumat, 14 Juli 2017 | 04:36
Fadli Adzani

Minggu Ini Blink 182 Lepas Boxing Day

Kalau lagi galau, apapun penyebabnya, tetap harus keren, dong. Nggak perlu sampe nangis atau malah putus asa dengan keadaan.

Khususnya untuk temen-temen pencinta musik punk, apapun jenisnya, HAI punya rekomendasi 5 lagu blink-182 untuk menemani masa-masa kelam dan galaumu.

Lagipula, ketika lagi galau nggak perlu denger lagu yang pop melulu, kok.

Lebih enak dengerin lagu punk dari blink-182, walau sedih, namun lirik-liriknya pun membangun, bikin kita semangat untuk bangkit dan menghilangkan rasa sakit.

Yuk kita simak 5 lagu tersedih blink-182 yang memiliki makna dan sangat membangun!

Adam's Song

"I couldn't wait till I got home, to pass the time in my room alone..."

Stay Together For The Kids

"It's hard to wake up, when the shades have been pulled shut, this house is haunted, it's so pathetic, it makes no sense at all, I'm ripe with things to say, the words rot and fall away. What stupid poem could fix this home, I'd read it every day..."

What Went Wrong

"I can't forgive, can't forget, can't give in what went wrong, 'cause you said this was right, you fucked up my life..."

Stockholm Syndrome

"I'm so lost. I'm barely here. I wish I could explain myself. But words escape me. It's too late to save me, you're too late, you're too late..."

I'm Lost With You

"Are you afraid of being alone, 'cause I am, I'm lost without you, are you afraid of leaving tonight, 'cause I am, I'm lost without you..."

Editor : Fadli Adzani

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