Situs Remaja Cowok

Vokalis Cedera Pita Suara, Simple Plan Terpaksa Batalkan 8 Panggung

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011 | 07:52
Grid Networks Vokalis Cedera Pita Suara Simple Plan Terpaksa Batalkan 8 Panggung
Hai Online

Vokalis Cedera Pita Suara Simple Plan Terpaksa Batalkan 8 Panggung

Kabar kurang baik datang dari band pop punk asal Kanada, Simple Plan. 8 panggung yang telah dijadwalkan terpaksa harus dibatalkan akibat dari sang vokalis yang terkena cedera pada pita suaranya. Pierre Bouvier didiagnosa mengalami pembengkakan pada pita suaranya dan harus istirahat total terutama pada vokalnya dalam beberapa minggu ke depan. Sejumlah panggung yang dibatalkan meliputi Jepang, China, Austria, Swiss, Spanyol, Prancis dan Hongaria.

Brikut adalah penyataan resmi dari Bouvier :

"I am extremely sad to announce that we have to cancel our performance at Summersonic festival as well as the next 2 weeks of upcoming shows due to a severe health issue with my voice. First off, I sincerely apologize and hope you can forgive us. Canceling shows is something we truly hate to do and that we don't take lightly. You (our fans) mean the world to us and the last thing we want to do is let you down. In order to help you understand exactly what's going on, here is my story: We played our show in South Korea on august 7th at the Pentaport Festival and the crowd was amazing. Unfortunately during the concert I felt that something was wrong with my voice. I was able to sing but barely. I knew I was damaging my vocal cords because it was unusually difficult for me to hit the notes and to control my pitch. I was struggling to sing parts that were normally really easy and by the end of the show, I knew it was bad. The first doctor I saw in Korea didn't speak much English but he did what is called a fiber optic laryngoscopic exam, assessed the damage and told me as best he could that my vocal cords were swollen and not doing so well (probably due to the very intense schedule of shows we had in June and July). He prescribed me some meds and told me to see another doctor in a few days. The whole band agreed that it was best to cancel the 2 shows in Beijing and Shanghai and rest my voice in hopes to get better quickly. After 5 days of no speaking or making any sound whatsoever, I went to another doctor in Beijing. The hospital was amazing and the doctor was great. She did another fiber optic laryngoscopic exam and compared it to the previous one done in Korea. The good news was that it already looked better and that with the proper vocal rest I would be good as new and back to normal in about 2 weeks. The bad news was that we have shows already booked for the next 2 weeks, not to mention the next year!!! The doctor also said that if I don't stop singing and go on vocal rest, I risk the chance of permanently damaging my vocal cords which would require surgery to repair. So once again we are left with the very difficult decision of canceling shows for the greater good of the band. We decided to take the Doctor's advice to go home and be on complete vocal rest for 2 weeks with medicinal treatments to accelerate the healing. It really sucks to have to cancel these shows and trust me, I'd much rather be out there having fun and playing concerts than remaining completely quiet for 2 weeks. So that's the story. No need to worry, I will be fine and will completely recover without the need of any intervention other than vocal rest. I apologize to all the fans out there who were counting on us and who were excited to meet us. We will make it up to you I promise. Thanks for your understanding and compassion. We're looking forward to hitting the road again very soon and kickin' some ass all around the world for the next year and more! Thanks for your support and don't forget to "Get your heart on!". ; )


Editor : Hai Online