Escape The Fate Gagal Tur Karena Seorang Cewek?

Rabu, 06 November 2013 | 15:03
Rian Sidik (old)

Escape The Fate Gagal Tur Karena Seorang Cewek

Kabar batalnya tur Escape The Fate yang belakangan ramai diberitakan ternyata disebabkan oleh sebuah hal yang cukup unik. Seperti ditulis oleh, band cadas ini memilih untuk membatalkan turnya karena pacar sang vokalis, Craig Mabbit, sedang mengandung., dan ia memilih untuk tinggal di rumah bersama kekasihnya, hingga anak mereka lahir.

"The members of ESCAPE THE FATE regret that they will be unable to carry out their touring plans for Europe, including the European run of The Vans Warped Tour and dates with Chiodos. Vocalist Craig Mabbitt's longtime girlfriend was due to have their second child prior to the band's European run. She is now overdue and Mabbitt can not travel, as he needs to be home, by her side for the birth. The band sends their sincerest apologies to The Warped Tour, Chiodos and especially their European fan contingent and hopes to get to Europe in 2014 to the cities they are missing," tulis pernyataan resmi Escpae The Fate, seperti dikutp dari


Editor : Rian Sidik (old)