Ketika sebuah band memiliki pengikut yang loyal, apapun bisa dilakukan fans untuk makin dekat dengan sang idola. Termasuk mengumpulkan memorabilia yang unik dan mahal.
Contohnya Nirvana. Walau sudah bubar sejak 20 tahun lalu, memorabilia band-band ini masih dicari penggemarnya. Dan harganya nggak murah. Apa saja, tuh? Check these out:
This promo poster, signed by all three members in 1991. Seller: debbiemcg. Price: $30,000 This Marshall guitar amp, used by Kurt Cobain. Seller: autographs99. Price: $25,000.00 This setlist, written by Kurt Cobain and signed by Krist Novoselic from 1991. Seller: autographs99. Price: $14,999.99This bass amp, used by Krist Novoselic. Seller: autographs99. Price: $15,000
This drum head, signed by Kurt Cobain and Slim Moon. Seller: artworkemporium. Price: $12,500
This uncut sheet of the Nevermind cassette artwork, signed by all three members. Seller: autographs99. Price: $8,999.99
This copy of Spin Magazine from October 1993, signed by all three members. Seller: autographs99. Price: $7,500
This ticket stub from Boise, Idaho in 1993. Seller: 7shadows. Price: $5,000
This hospital and ambulance bill issued to Kurt Cobain in July 1992. Seller: amazing_deals_4u. Price: $4,860