Selfie memang word of the year 2013, tapi tahun ini selfie juga masih ngetren.
Terbukti memang. Dari event Oscar sampai Piala Dunia 2014 pun dibumbui dengan selfie.
Nah, berikut ada 21 selfie terkeren tahun 2014 nih yang HAI kutip dari Mashable. Apa aja? Cek di bawah ini ya.
1. The first Instagram from space
Sadly, there is no 'Space' filter.Image: @iss on Instagram -
2. Ellen Degeneres and the star-studded Oscar selfie
If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) March 3, 2014
- Too much celebrity.
3. The 3-year selfie around the world
Video: YouTube, Alex Chacon
4. The Hong Kong skyscraper selfie
Video: YouTube, Frank Wu
5. The volcano selfie
Volcano #selfie. When normal selfies are not extreme enough!
NSFL.— George Kourounis (@georgekourounis) August 28, 2014
6. Joe Biden's first selfie, with special guest President Barack Obama
This is one powerful selfie.Image: @vp on Instagram
7. Edward Snowden's selfie with Glenn Greenwald, David Miranda and Laura Poitras
#Snowden takes a selfie in Moscow with @ggreenwald, David Miranda and Laura Poitras
Edward Snowden takes a photo with the journalists that helped make him famous— The Intercept (@the_intercept) May 22, 2014
8. The lip-sync selfie
Video: YouTube, Matt Perren
9. The post win World Cup selfie
Just won the World Cup, let me take a selfie.— (@Podolski10) July 13, 2014
10. The kid who snuck a selfie with Paul McCartney and Warren Buffett
Paul was very chill.Image: @speeeeeeed_of_white on Instagram
11. The dronie
Drone + selfie = magic.
Video: YouTube, Matt Benedetto
12. The happy camel selfie
Image: Imgur, magpiesam
13. The great selfie imitator
The imitation skills are strong with this one.Image: @ohheyitschaz on Instagram
14. The Muppets selfies
Welcome to Instagram, Muppets.Image: @themuppets on Instagram
15. Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray's mid-match selfie
Selfies > tennis. -
16. Grandma Betty
We will miss you Grandma Betty.Image: @grandmabetty33 on Instagram
17. The Queen Elizabeth photobomb
A royal photobomb.Image: @jaydetaylor on Instagram
18. Marnie the Dog mocking James Franco
Have some shade, James Franco.Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
19. The IRS selfies
A man takes selfies to prove to the IRs of his residence.Image: @internalrevenueselfies on Instagram
20. The Felfie
Farmers love selfies too.Image: @tomildinio on Instagram
21. The photogenic goat selfie