Ini pesan dari Bos BlackBerry bagi pengguna BBM di Iphone dan Android

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013 | 12:05
Rian Sidik (old)

Ini pesan dari Bos BlackBerry bagi pengguna BBM di Iphone dan Android

Seperti yang sudah diumumkan sebelumnya BBM Untuk Android Dan Iphone Sudah Bisa DiDOWNLOAD, mulai hari ini fitur BBM secara official sudah resmi hadir di platform Android dan Iphone. Para petinggi dari pihak BlackBerry pun secara utuh turun langsung dalam mengkonfirmasi hal ini, seperti yang ditulis oleh Andrew Bocking, selaku Head of BBM at Blackberry.

Pada blog BlackBerry, Andrew Bocking menghimbau kepada downloader untuk agar menghindari versi unreleased version dikarenakan menumpuknya data trafik yang terjadi yang menyebabkan gangguan pada server. Walaupun ditulis pada bulan lalu, Ada baiknya kita juga menyimak himbauannya seperti yang ditulis di bawah ini. Check it out!

Hi Android and iPhone users,

This is Andrew Bocking, head of BBM at BlackBerry. As a follow up to our first blog post on Saturday, I want to take a moment to provide you with an update on the rollout ofBBM on Android and iPhone.

Last week, an unreleased, older version of the BBM for Android app was posted on numerous file sharing sites. We were aware of an issue with this unreleased version of the BBM for Android app. This older version resulted in volumes of data traffic orders of magnitude higher than normal for each active user and impacted the system in abnormal ways. The version we were planning to release on Saturday addressed these issues, however we could not block users of the unreleased version if we went ahead with the launch.

We attempted to address the problems caused by the unreleased version throughout the day on Saturday, but as active users of the unreleased app neared a million - and accelerated - it became clear that the only way to address the issue was to pause the rollout for both Android and iPhone.

The team is now focused on adjusting the system to completely block this unreleased version of the Android app when we go live with the official BBM for Android app. We are also making sure that the system is reinforced to handle this kind of scenario in the future. While this may sound like a simple task - it's not. This will take some time and I do not anticipate launching this week.

Thank you for your patience while we take the time needed to deliver the experience you expect from BBM. We will continue to provide you with updates here onInsideBlackBerry.comand through@BBMon Twitter. We will notify everyone who has pre-registered onBBM.comwhen BBM is available on Android and iPhone.

AndrewBockingEVP, BBM

Editor : Rian Sidik (old)