10 Foto yang Seharusnya Keren Tapi Malah Kena 'Photobomb'

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2019 | 15:47
© Unknown / Imgur

This candid photo turned into proof that cats can fly.

Hai-online.com- Ada begitu banyak hal tak terduga yang tertangkap kamera ketika kita hendak selfie atau memotret sesuai, seperti photobomb yang nggak sengaja atau ilusi optik aneh.

Tapi untungnya, hasil dari foto-foto itu menjadi sesuatu yang lucu dan unik. Penasaran apa aja? Ini dia nih sob:

Penjaganya posesif banget nih, pengen foto sama Mona Lisa padahal

© Kaiji700m / Reddit

“I tried to take a selfie with the Mona Lisa.”

Lagi mau ajak ke prom, eh ada yang lewat

© paleblackfish / Imgur

A promposal photobombed by a diver sliding down a cloud: how epic is that?

Yang naik sepeda "DUHHHHH"

© TheFearLess3 / Reddit

The universal facial expression for, “I’ve messed up badly.”

Hmmm, kayak ada yang aneh ya

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© UselessPostsThatMeanNothing / Imgur

Once you notice it, you can’t unsee it.

Kucing ternyata bisa terbang

© Unknown / Imgur

This candid photo turned into proof that cats can fly.

Semakin lama kamu lihat, semakin aneh foto ini

© sammyjay55 / Reddit

The longer you look at it, the weirder it gets.

UFO atau lampu ruangan?

© SoVeryKerry / Reddit

When you’re trying to take a photo of the view, but the aliens in Area 51 have escaped:

Duh, kek, kok lewat situ sih?!

© sin-ik / Reddit

Possibly one of the best examples of being at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

"Ada bapak-bapak, temen-temen."

© ogden24 / Reddit

“My brother was able to pack our family friend into a mini backpack.”

Saksi bisu yang sesungguhnya


Editor : Alvin Bahar

Sumber bright side