Situs Remaja Cowok

7 Lirik Paling Menyentuh Chester Bennington yang Lagi Ultah Ke-43

Kamis, 21 Maret 2019 | 11:15
Grid Networks Chester Bennington

Chester Bennington

HAI-ONLINE.COM - Kemarin (20/3), Chester Bennington berulang tahun yang ke-43. Di hari ulang tahunnya, tentu aja, para penggemar berat dirinya dan Linkin Park sangat merindukan sosok sang vokalis bersuara gahar sekaligus merdu itu.

Chester meninggal dunia pada 20 Juli 2017 di Palos Verdes Estates, California, Amerika Serikat.

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Di saat kangen sama Chester, yang bisa kita lakukan hanya mendengar lagu-lagu Linkin Park, di mana suaranya terdengar sangat jelas, terutama liriknya yang bisa menyentuh hati kita.

Kalau dari musik, emang, sih, Linkin Park keras banget. Tapi kalau dari lirik, banyak banget yang liriknya mengharukan.

Berikut ini adalah 7 lirik paling menyentuh dari Chester yang ia nyanyikan bersama Linkin Park:

1. With You (Hybrid Theory, 2000)

"It’s true, the way I feel was promised by your face. The sound of your voice painted on my memories, even if you’re not with me, I’m with you."

2. Easier To Run (Meteora, 2003)

"Something has been taken, from deep inside of me. A secret I’ve kept locked away, no one can ever see. Wounds so deep they never show, they never go away. Like moving pictures in my head, for years and years they’ve played."

3. Somewhere I Belong (Meteora, 2003)

"I will never know myself until I do this on my own and I will never feel anything else until my wounds are healed. I will never be anything ’til I break away from me. And I will break away, and find myself today."

4. Breaking The Habit (Meteora, 2003)

"I don’t know what’s worth fighting for Or why I have to scream. I don’t know why I instigate and say what I don’t mean. I don’t know how I got this way I’ll never be all right. So I’m breaking the habit, I’m breaking the habit tonight."

5. Nobody Can Save Me (One More Light, 2017)

"I’m holding up a light chasing up the darkness inside and I don’t wanna let you down. But only I can save me."

6. Crawling (Hybrid Theory, 2000)

"Crawling in my skin. These wounds, they will not heal. Fear is how I fall, confusing what is real."

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7. One More Light (One More Light, 2017)

"Who cares if one more light goes out? In a sky of a million stars, it flickers, flickers. Who cares when someone’s time runs out? If a moment is all we are, we’re quicker, quicker. Who cares if one more light goes out? Well, I do." (*)


Editor : Al Sobry