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The Kooks, Delphic, dan The Radio. Dept Akan Tampil di Jakarta

Adhie Sathya - Kamis, 21 Februari 2013 | 13:05
The Kooks Delphic dan The Radio
Adhie Sathya

The Kooks Delphic dan The Radio

The Kooks, Delphic, dan The Radio. Dept akan meramaikan gelaran Road to Big Sound Festival yang diadakan pada 24 April mendatang. Sound Rhythm, sang promotor, mengkonfirmasi hal ini melalui Twitter.

"#confirmed THE KOOKS, DELPHIC, THE RADIO DEPT, Tennis Indoor April 24. More info soon!!! cc: @DyandraEnt Road To #BigSoundFest," tulis @SoundRhythm di Twitter.

The Kooks, melalui akun Twitter mereka @thekooksmusic telah membenarkan hal tersebut. "At last, Jakarta live news: The Kooks play Tennis Indoor Jakarta on 24th April! Tickets on sale 27th Feb at"

Editor : Adhie Sathya
